Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Deadline Extended!! New deadline: 27 July

The deadline for Principal's Awards 2013 application has been extended from 16 July 2012 (Monday)to 27 July 2012  (Friday) due to an overwhelming response from the applicants and the schools.

We understand that the mid-term results were released not too long ago in some schools and students need time to obtain their results from their school management.

We recommend that you approach your school counsellors to see if they have any info about the Principal's Awards. Otherwise, please download the form Here.

To School Counsellors, we hope you will contact your Taylor's representative from the National Marketing department to find out more.

To all applicants who have submitted their applications, stay tuned! You will be receiving an email from us before the end of July to acknowledge receipt of your application form.

For further enquiries, please contact us at the numbers below if you have any further enquiries:

Tel: 03-6203 0168
Ms Sarah Soo (ext 103)

Like us on  Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/taylors.college.preu 
Visit our website: www.taylors.edu.my 
or, Email us at taylorscollege@taylors.edu.my


  1. Since the application deadline is extended , does this mean that the interview date for selected applicants will be later too ? :)

  2. Hi Cheyenne LZX,
    Thanks for leaving a comment :)

    No, the interview dates for shortlisted applicants will still remain the same (i.e. in September) but the Experience Day for applicants is now postponed to 11 Aug (Sat) for TCSH.

    Watch this space for updates!

  3. may i know if you have sent out the email to acknowledge receipt of application form? because i sent in my form but until nw i havent heard any reply??

    1. Well, Mien, we have sent out an invitation to ALL applicants to come and attend our Experience Day. If you received this email it means we have your details/application form in our database. Did you receive this invitation? Check it out on our Updates page.

    2. but i did not receive any email. does it mean my application is not received?

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. We sent the invite to all applicants. Can you please check your spam mail? If you give us your full name and which city you're from, we can check. Are you able to come on 11 Aug, 8.30am - 1pm to Taylor's College Sri Hartamas? At least if you come you can check the status of your application - whether you received it or not.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Hi Mien, we have checked our database and we have received your application.

    7. thanks alot for ur help^ !
      but until nw i havent received any confirmation by email.

    8. Hi Mien,
      We didn't send out any email confirmation. We sent out invitations to the Experience Day programme.

      You should be receiving an email invitation to the interview soon. Please refer to our latest post on the 'Updates' page. Thank you.
